Hoosier Doggy

Hoosier Doggy

Monday, December 31, 2018

Doggies of the Week... Champ and Lily!

This is Champ! Champ is about 10 years old, and is a very handsome Golden Retriever! 

And this is Lily! Lily is about 7 years old, and is a Golden Retriever as well. They have been visiting Hoosier Doggy since July of 2015! 

Champ and Lily tend to lounge around most days. And they are never too far apart!  

Champ loves to play with the other dogs! He is always making new friends! He found a blonde Golden named Duke to run around with this day! 

 Lily only has eyes for her brother. She patiently waits for Champ to come back over to her, so they can play together!

Champ and Danny really liked each other! They both enjoyed playing, but also enjoyed relaxing a bit afterwards.

 Golden Cuddle Time! 

You can usually find these two curled up together. 

We love you Champ and Lily! 

Monday, December 24, 2018

Doggy of the Week... Sadie!

This is Sadie! Sadie is about 9 years old, and has been coming to Hoosier Doggy since July of 2015! 

Sadie adores Packer! Every time they are here together, they play constantly! 

Molly tried to join in, but the lovebirds just weren't having it! 

Sadie's BFF is Zena! These two girls are just WILD when they are together! Their antics are hilarious! 

Sadie loves to referee playtime too. Whenever she isn't playing, she is roaming the yards making sure every one is playing nicely! 

Hank and Sadie were side-by-side when Hank was here as a foster. I think Sadie was a tad disappointed when he found his forever home! 

Sadie always looks so cute when she's tired from playtime! 

We love you Sadie! 

Monday, December 17, 2018

Doggy of the Week... Gumball!

 Say hello to Gumball! Gumball is about 2 years old, and has been coming to Hoosier Doggy since September of 2018!

 Gumball is always ready for a good time. He easily makes friends and can usually get the whole yard to play with him!

Daisy and Gumball loved each other! They ran around together, and everyone jumped in to play too!

 Awww! Gracie and Gumball became best friends in a matter of minutes! They have so much fun playing together! It helps that they can both keep up with each other too! 

 Feel the love! Gumball unites everyone during playtime! Ike, Gumball, and Ricky happily obliged and they all became buds! 

Gumball loved playing with Oscar though! He was his favorite buddy! 

One of the rare occasions we've caught Gumball sitting while here... he needed a break from all that play! But look at his handsome smile! 

That face! And those eyes! 

We love you Gumball! 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Santa visited Hoosier Doggy last week. Some of the Doggies were a bit nervous about a man with a beard and a hat that is known to sneak into houses at night, even if he is leaving presents. They all made up with him though and gave him their Christmas lists.

Birdie & Mulligan

Griffey getting clarification on Santa-rules.

Mulligan and Birdie