On Monday, February 8th, our very own King and Queen of Hearts posed with the Doggies visiting us. We got some terrific pictures.
My son, Rick, graciously portrayed our King of Hearts. The role of Queen of Hearts went to our very own Hospitality Host, Leah. Lindsay, another of our Hospitality Hosts, worked very hard to make the pictures extra special. A huge thanks to all three!
Babe Ruth |
Barney |
Fitzgerald |
Beau |
Blake getting Queenly Kisses |
Blake |
Shanna and Bubba |
Shanna wants kisses. |
Leah's turn for kisses. |
"I don't care if you're done taking pictures, I'm not done."
"Scratch my belly!"
"Yeah, I'll just lay here a little longer."
Smiling Shanna
Chance |
"Thanks for making that weird guy with the crown go away. He was scary!"
Carter and Dixie |
Dusty |
Elon |
Gus |
Lenny |
Lucy |
Mattie and Logan |
Mattie |
Logan |
Max |
Max |
Mr. Big |
Renegade |
Smoky |
Zena |
We tried our best to get a good shot of Izabella, but she was so excited that we got some of the funniest pictures with her . . .
"I'm SO excited we are taking pictures! I just want to kiss you!"
Lindsay re-crowns the king.
Izabella is still too excited to sit still.
More kisses!
Oops, the king lost his crown again.
And yet more kisses!
Rick with his own princesses, Meisha and Keisha. |
"Come on, Dad. I'm done posing for pictures. Now scratch my belly!"
And now for the behind-the-scenes blooper pictures . . .
The King listening to the Queen play air-harp.
The Royal Couple
The King is making a royal decree . . . The Queen is too regal to show what she really thinks of his highness, so she signals with 2 fingers instead of just one.
The Royal Couple trying to decide the best place to display the heart . . .
. . . The Queen comes up with the perfect placement.
The Queen once again commenting on the King's ideas.
All good things must come to an end. It's time to remove the crowns and go back to the real world.
Love the pictures! I can see that Shanna really loved the attention