Hoosier Doggy

Hoosier Doggy

Monday, January 1, 2018

Doggy of the Week... Duke!

 Say hello to Duke! Duke has only been coming to us for a couple months now, but he fits right in! 

Duke is SUPER playful! He usually gets everyone running around! Elon adored Duke.

 Champ and Duke are best buds. Whenever they are here together, they run across the yard just to greet each other! 

 Duke got the whole group going this day! Zia, Elon and Duke got everyone to chase them!

Duke and Daisy... They are inseparable when they are here together!

 Sassy loved playing with Duke. They moved so fast, they flung up rocks ALL throughout the yard!

 Duke tried really hard to entice Zia to another round, but I think she was pooped! 

Duke is such a sweet, playful boy! 

We love you Duke! 

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