Hoosier Doggy

Hoosier Doggy

Monday, August 26, 2019

Doggy of the Week... Maddux!

This is Maddux! She is about a year old and has been visiting Hoosier Doggy since about October of 2018!

Maddux became quick friends with Bobo. These two energetic pups matched perfectly and wrestled during all of playtime!

Maddux eventually graduated to the "Big Dog" yard and she learned some very important lessons from the old and wise, Mosley! 

She also happens to be a camera hog! Yes Maddux, we all know you're a pretty girl... Alright, one more picture!

She seems to have a thing for Bostons! Her and Toby were inseparable during their stay and were practically attached at the hip.

A five minute water break is all Maddux needs to get her back in tip-top shape to play some more! 

Rufus quickly came out of his shy little shell when meeting Maddux! She had him zooming around the yard with her in no time.

A cute and funny personality to match those cute and funny ears!

We love you Maddux!

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